Monday, 23 October 2023


I watched A-Ha's old 1984 Take on Me video today. Its one of Moonbase Junior's fave songs. I couldn't help noticing how the final scene where the singer catapults himself from wall to wall in the hallway is something I have seen before, a take on something else!

You may have guessed what I mean. Its that scene in the brilliant Altered States [1980] where William Hurt does exactly the same, pounding the walls as he tried to stave off existential oblivion. Its a powerful scene and has stayed with me since first seeing it.

Do you think they're similar? Am I altering my state!

1 comment:

  1. A-Ha! I think you definitely have something there Woodsy! I haven't seen that godawful pop video for decades, but having watched Altered States - one of my favourite films, just recently - I can say categorically that old Morten is clearly channelling that scene as he sweats his way along the corridor. With much less entertaining and powerful results too! Bill
