Sunday 15 October 2023

Blue into Red

 Well the unseasonably fine weather held out again today, which meant that a scheduled road trip for a relatives birthday went rather well. We took a drive into the Lake District, in Cumbria and spent the day near Windermere, the largest of the 16 eponymous lakes and not far fro Coniston Water, where Donald Campbell broke the water speed record before losing his life in the tragic crash of the Bluebird K7.

The Lake District is tremendously popular with tourists and walkers due to its dramatic and picturesque scenery, with mountainous terrain and huge expanses of water. We didn’t attempt anything especially radical today, but pottering about town and the area gave me a chance to indulge myself with a little photography - specifically with my modified digital camera. I had a camera body modified some time ago, to be sensitised to full spectrum light, so that it can record infra red imagery. Infra red light is especially prevalent in sunny conditions and the radiation absorbed by foliage means that it will appear to glow almost white and blues such as water and sky will naturally darken, so the Lake District seemed the ideal venue. To get the best from IR photography, an additional glass filter should be used over the lens to restrict the wavelengths hitting the sensor, but for convenience I just used the camera as is and made a few corrections in Adobe Lightroom when I got home.

Here are a few shots of the day, including a couple of iPhone snaps of an haunted pub and a shot of the iconic Pennine Tower near Lancaster, looking like a holdover from Thunderbirds!


  1. Nice pics! At first glance, I thought the magenta cast photos were vintage prints that had faded over time!

    1. thats part of the attraction of the effect Looey, it can give a lovely vintage Polaroid effect as well as the classic IR look. It also lends itself especially well to b/w conversion

  2. As always, a lovely photographic travelogue. I like the new infrared look, it's almost lenticular looking. That UFO tower is amazing. I remember it from my youth. Architecture fired by space. Looks like a grand day out Bill.

  3. Excellent photos Bill! I didn't realize digital cameras could be modified for IR and thought one had to buy a camera already equipped for it.
