Thursday, 7 September 2023

Hand Me Downs. Or Not!

I had a discussion with a friend recently who has some of his childhood toys still. He's 75 so we're talking about the 1950s.

It transpires that none of his children or Grandchildren want his old toys, which I found quite sad. 

Do you think this may happen to you readers, that your well-stored collections will be unwanted by family or friends one day?


  1. Sad indeed! I have no heirs, so what’s left of my childhood stuff will end up at Goodwill (local charity shop) or the dumpster! I’m kinda mad that several toy museums weren’t even interested in some of my SF models - apparently they’re a dime a dozen to them! SFZ

    1. Cant beleve it about the museums SF!

  2. My five year old grandson has some interest in my trains, presently he's more interested in dinosaurs and Godzilla. If I leave this mortal plane while he's young he may have an interest in the toy solders, cars and trucks packed away. I always believed my daughter would toss the lot in a skip/dumpster so I have every intention of taking as much with me as I can!

    1. ha ha! Northern Heights will surely live on!

  3. I'm planning on living for the odd next quarter century to fulfill my Y2K New Year's Resolution of seeing 2050 (I'm not going to make Captain Scarlet's 2068!)
    As such I've already sorted my will and my robot and toy collections will be auctioned off to provide for my beneficiaries.
    Sadly the Leura Toy Museum has already closed in similar fashion -so NONE of my 60's tin for them!

  4. I mostly have memorabilia and role-playing games. Sadly at this point I'm afraid it will hit the dumpster or Goodwill. If anyone can suggest a US firm that might handle auctions, please let me know!

    1. British TV has loads of US auction programmes Baron for cars, lockers, pawn and just about everything. I guess there must be games and memorabilia auction houses too.

  5. I'm consider myself very lucky, Woodsy. I've been a passionate vintage toy and memorabilia collector for decades and have 38 year old son who is equally passionate about collecting and preserving these old gems. I also have two daughters who collect and respect things of nostalgia. My kidz will be the next custodians of the things I love to collect.

    1. That's fab Tone. A family affair. The passion will live on!

  6. I can see all my Sword stuff ending up in the bin - "they're just old plastic toys"; hopefully my Dinkys, Tonkas snd the rest might end up at a car boot if they dont get binned too!

    1. SWORD and bin are two words that should never go together! ouch!
