Sunday, 27 August 2023

Don't Force It

With a new round of dust allergy driving me insane since I got back to Blighty I was distinctly out of sorts at this morning's car boot sale. Consequently I didn't buy a solitary thing.

Two things I passed on I simply cannot find online anywhere. This could be the search terms I'm using but I'll describe them.

One was a large boxed modern playset by Adventure Force called Dragon Castle of Knights V Dragons or similar. There were two plastic dragons, a few knights and a small castle inside a very large flat rectangular box. I've since discovered that Adventure Force is a Walmart toy brand and covers just about everything from sharks to blasters. I cannot find the dragons and knights playset anywhere.

Second was a loose black action soldier doll in a green uniform. It had a relatively large roundish head and appeared to be at least 18 inches tall. It may have flocked hair. It was lying on top of some 1990's Action Men and was much bigger than those. Again, I cannot find this online anywhere.

I should have been in a better mood then maybe I may have even bought them!

Do you have a dust allergy, hay fever or asthma readers?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand8/27/2023 2:28 pm

    Sorry you had a bad day. I have no information on these toys. I am lucky, no allergies, although it can be dusty at work at times.

  2. No allergies. Sometimes very high pollen levels irritate but not allergically, just a regular response to irritation! (Which was my usual state at work!).

    1. Ha ha, that reminds me of school teaching Kev. A regular response to irritation! One more week if holidays and then I burn my tie!

  3. I dont think you missed out on anything major there. The knights set is probably only about a fortnight old and the action doll will be comparatively modern too. Vintage toys wont hang around at car boots, as all the hipster cherry pickers will always be two steps ahead clearing out all the good stuff. I went to a vintage store this morning and there was one cruising the toy stores, picking up anything remotely vintage. Trouble is, sellers will have already google lensed the toys and priced them according to what sold best on ebay. Anything boxed or fairly new wont be worth more than a fiver and youll have little chance of moving it on ebay at a profit. The glory days of csr boots are behind us!

    1. It's unusual that I can't find them online. Doesn't often happen that.

  4. I'd love to see the actionfigure Woodsy, post a pic, I'm sure we can get some details as a group

    1. Alas, I didn't buy it or photograph it Marky B. I can't find it online either. A mystery!
