Monday, 17 July 2023

Bodge Central

 Bodging abounds at Moonbase at the mo. Kevin very kindly donated a bundle of old toy vehicles last week and I've been busy and happy sprucing them up ever since! 

This was Kevin's bundle of joy to me.

So I got my tools together.

And sorted out what's what.

The Trident Starfighter got patched up and left to dry.

The glorious Kennet SSP Dune Digger got cleaned, the red patches were chromed and a plan formed regarding the missing side panel rods. Operation pen stopper to begin soon!

The lovely but patchy Dinky SPC was cleaned and touched up with a red Sharpie. I glossed the body with varnish for a shiny finish.

I couldn't solve the non-functioning jet noise but I made a simple aerial from this shampoo bottle.

Front wheels stolen from my Batmobile and voila!

Not perfect but scarlet enough for my cabinet.

Bill is supplying some repro decals and that will be it.

Thanks Kevin!


  1. I was interested to see how you'd go with the SPC, having bought a similar one myself on a past teip to Blighty! My paintwork was a little better and I used Tamiya Clear red over the bare metal for a pretty good match. My decals were old and a bit scruffy, but good enough for display. I was keen to see your aerial solution as mine was a metal T pin cut and bent and painted white!
    A lovely toy that I never had as a kid, but it only just struck me, the actual vehicles were never metallic red, but plain red/orange!
    The later Corgi version was much more accurate, with a Captain in the driver's seat.
    -no aerial, but! So all that experience with bodging up my Dinky came in handy again!

    1. Ta Looey. I guess I should have stripped the body and started from scratch like you but I'm OK withe the battle-worn crimson I ended up with. My aerial is a bit rough but this SPC is now garaged. Thanks for all your tips. What's a T pin?

  2. Love the SPC clean up Woodsy.
    So, it looks a little weathered, but what wouldn't after a Mysteron attack !
    Remember, if it's perfect looking afterwards, that's when its Mysteronised and on the wrong side.
    Now print out a set of Spectrum symbols for the doors and you're ready for that next Spectrum assignment.

    1. Ta very much Mish, it was fun to do. Bill''s printed me some decals so thanks for the tip.

  3. Wow, forgot all about those SSP's. Pretty sure I had one, maybe one of the long skinny ones with metallic paint. At least I know I've played with them.

    1. Don't think I had one Baron but it's good to have now. Restoring it has been a lot of fun. Bill has posted about SSPs in the past.

  4. Good job on the SPC, looking forward to seeing the rest done!

  5. Kenner SSP! I’ve been trying to put a name to this thing for 30 years! Many thanks! To eBay!

  6. I want to see what you do with that cool blue flying saucer! SFZ

    1. It's a cool cat for sure SF! Shinsei UFO. What a range of die-casts!

    2. That UFO is a Japanese diecast? You lucky dog you! SFZ
