Saturday, 3 June 2023



As mentioned before on MC the online toys Japanese ads section of the Skullbrain site is a regular wormhole for toy fabs like us.

This old Japanese ad for Gilbert's James Bond dolls and outfits caught my boomer's eye. I just love all those accessories like the spear gun!

The four outfits bottom left seem unfamiliar to me. Where they available outside Japan?

PS. if you see any Project SWORD ads on Skullbrain please do let me know!


  1. Wow, I would've loved that! BTW have you seen the Japanese Yeoman Janice Rand doll? Wish I had that.

    1. Nope Baron. A new one on me that. Send us a snap.

    2. Here you go:

    3. Ah, Star Trek. Nice. Good Sindy recycling that Baron!

  2. Spectrum Steve6/03/2023 2:23 pm

    I can't help wondering if that is a Gilbert Napoleon Solo figure in the checked waistcoat from 'The Man from UNCLE' ? And now that I think about it, that is likely to be the Gilbert 'Honey West' doll from the series of the same name. The spacesuit is easy, that is a Gilbert 'Moon McDare' spacesuit. My guess is that that it was a Japanese repackaging to give more options for the Japanese market Now I don't know the dates, but given that Bond wears a spacesuit in 'You Only Live Twice' t does seem plausible I think. If they had only thought of that over here...

  3. Spectrum Steve6/03/2023 2:26 pm

    And I somehow forgot to add the Possible Ilya Kuryakin in what my well be another 'The Man from UNCLE' outfit (I'm no expert but I am sure there was a parachute accessory...need to do research...)

  4. Spectrum Steve6/03/2023 2:37 pm

    So, a quick check later and they are what I thought they were! I do wish we knew what the ad actually says....anybody can translate?

    1. If you have a smart phone, save the photo and open it up in Google Lens, then select Translate. The Kanji and Katakana will be overlaid with a blank background with lower case English on it. You'll probably get 60-70% chance of a good translation!
