Friday, 19 May 2023

KEN HOLT and Gorgo

 Several years ago, we posted a photograph of Derek Meddings alongside a colleague in Century 21 studios, during his tenure on UFO. Amazingly, someone recognised Derek's companion as Studio Manager Ken Holt and announced herself to be Ken's grandaughter. Shortly after, I managed to contact the young lady, who introduced me to Ken. Over the next few years, I got to know Ken well and had the pleasure of chatting to him and interviewing him for the Celtica Radio Swordcast.
Ken had a long history of working in the film industry, working for a considerable time for Gerry Anderson, as well as MGM studios and many TV companies. A wonderfully generous and genuine man, Ken always had an amusing anecdote to share and gave me many photographs and other materials to share on the blog.

Ken worked on the SFX and production for Gorgo and shared this hilarious note with me some years ago:

"Hi Bill, hope you enjoy Gorgo I think you will find its in Colour, we were the SFX dept. We did all the model and water tank shots also the photographic effects. We did not get the Oscar but l am sure it was nominated . It was produced by 2 U S brothers who actually built their own Film Studio later just down the road from Elstree it was called DANZIGER STUDIOS. 

And they shot quite a few TV shows. One  little story re Gorgo was during a Tank shot of Gorgo coming up the Thames, destroying Tower Bridge etc. The stunt man in the costume had to be a  jockey because of the size, unfortunately due to the weight of the mask with all the electronic eyes etc. It became too heavy and the poor guy collapsed in the tank, He came round OK and it was decided he would have to  wear a Crash Helmet  to take the weight ,this worked so we carried on. 

 I hope you enjoy it , in the credits it should show our SFX Boss Tom Howard, as you probably know only the Head of Departments got a credit, not like today but this because most of the Crew are Freelance.  Looking forward to your blog .Regards Ken"

Ken sadly passed away at the ripe old age of 92 in 2018 and is sorely missed by all.


  1. Nice back story! Great to have known Ken personally.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand5/20/2023 6:13 am

    It is amazing that several readers have a real-life link to Gorgo, and those who created him.

  3. Superb Bill and very timely second time round. Ken was one of the originals, at the start of British FX and his memories of Gorgo are fascinating. That poor Jockey collapsing in the tank! The things they did back then for the films and series they were working on. Did Ken write a book at all?

    1. No, Ken may have liked a biography and I was working towards one with him, but alas, time was against us as it turned out. He leaves a lasting and memorable legacy, which I think in some ways is better than a dusty old paperback.. Bill
