Thursday, 20 April 2023

Wrestling with the IRS

Whilst abroad I happened upon a flea market stall of old Hasbro World Wrestling Federation action figures from the early 1990's. You hardly ever see these loose now in UK charities or car boots, all avidly collected by WWF fans.

This particular stall must have had all the figures, beautifully laid out on the table top. They were all there including Rowdy Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, Doink the Clown and my personal favourite, IRS.

Even though I've never seen any WWF wrestlers on the TV, never mind IRS, there's something appealing about this crazy looking tax collector! I imagine his tie was the first thing his opponents grabbed! 

The stallholder knew his stuff. Loose wrestlers are sought after and the less desirable figures started at 10 Euro. Too dear for me but I really like the gait Hasbro designers gave these figures. Huge torsos and arms and short legs. Slightly reminiscent of Masters of the Universe.

Do you like these figures readers?

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