Thursday, 20 April 2023


Browsing old auctions I came across this from Excalibur in 2022, a small lot of Project SWORD collectables from the Simon Archer collection.

You will remember that Simon Archer died tragically driving to Gerry Anderson's house to deliver the manuscript of one of his books thirty years ago in 1993.

The lot contained this boxed Re-Entry Task Force 1.

One end tab looked fine too.

Bit the other tab looks odd. Where's the word Project gone?

Any thoughts?



A quick Google revealed more images of other Task Force 1 box ends. Not the best pictures of them but it may help.

Looks like there should be the word Project at both ends.


  1. looks like its occluded by the masking tape.

    1. I agree but there really is no sign of the word at all under the tape.

  2. It must be, mustn't it? The tape does look to be transparent though. Odd.

    1. I wonder of the word project has been peeled off by some previous tape?

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/21/2023 11:30 am

    The word S.W.O.R.D. is visible through the tape, along with the rest of the writing. So, if Project were present, it should also be visible. If it is not visible, it must have been omitted from one end of the box. A simple mistake perhaps ?
    Does this also occur with other boxes containing the same toy ?

    1. Intriguing. A misprint Paul? Does this happen to the wine labels you work with? Misprints?

  4. I think the tape has simply dehydrated with age in some parts, becoming slightly transparent. Its masking tape, which is generally opaque, but if its exposed to oil or other substances, can become translucent.
