Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Sandy Shore

Me and Missus Moonbase are currently taking in the sea air of the Yorkshire East Riding coastline. Seagulls, sand, doughnuts and fish 'n' hips. 

Here are a few snaps from the seaside town of Hornsea, where we went pebble combing.

Reminded me completely of being a kid going to the Lancashire coast when I was a nipper. Comics, toys, Sandcastles and candyfloss back then!

Where did you go as a kid readers?


  1. Hope you both have a fab break. Great pics.

    1. Thanks Tone. It is lovely here. Just had a chippy tea and a Hull patty. Yum!

  2. We went camping to Coniston in the Lake District, with my cousins, every year for several years, Woodsy.
    Great times swimming, canoeing, fishing, hiking and just mucking about really.
    Summer Special comics and cheap space toys were a godsend, if it rained.

    1. Sounds idyllic Mish. Like Swallows and Amazons! Comics on holiday, yes! I remember getting Sad Sack and Ka-Zar from the site shop. Good times.

  3. A well-deserved vacation! Have a blast! SF_Z

    1. Thanks SF Z. What's your coast like?

  4. that looks utterly relaxing - wonderful! Glad you guys are having fun :-) My dad used to like taking us to Muskego Lake. Later, he would buy a house trailer (caravan) as a summer place on the shores of Shawano Lake. My sister still lives there when she got married and her husband bought a house on the shore of that same lake.

    1. Great memories Ed. Do you still get to Shawano Lake?

    2. no - I haven't been there since '91 when we came back from Germany

  5. Never heard of those Woodsy.
    My comic specials were Whizzer and Chips, Countdown and TV Action.

    1. Ka Zar was Marvel I think Mish. He was like Tarzan. Sad Sack was a cartoon style soldier always messing up. Yep those titles you mention were all class. Shiver and shake, Beano and Dandy. Oh and Buster. All great reads.

  6. We used to go stay at my grandparents in Ipswich for school mid-term breaks and usually a week with them in the summer. It was a nightmare journey back in the 60's, we'd leave at 8am and get there 4 pm(its a 2 1/2 hr drive on these modern roads). From there we used to go to Felixstowe, Caister-on-Sea, and Great Yarmouth.
    In 1968 we went to Butlins in Minehead (still got my Butlins Beaver badge, and xmas card from Butlins from then).
    1969 we went to Pontin's at Hemsby, the highlight of which was the pub going up in flames(thatched roof+sparks from a fire in someones garden=totally destroyed. )
    Most of the 70's we went to Wroxham after being at the grandp's staying in a series of riverside chalets, pootling about in a boat. Going to Sea Palling/ Great Yarmouth as beach/days out.
    Fun times...

    1. They should like halcyon days! Such a great description it's almost like being there! I went to Minehead Butlins too. Mum n Dad left me in the nursery all day I think!
