Thursday, 6 April 2023


Thought I would send you some more....

1. Intergalactic Rescue - Puppet Set Jif Fruits Commercial....this went out at the Cinema with the first "Star Wars" Film,

2. also on TV.....The DELTA Beacon Space station from Into Infinity TV special,

3. STARCRUISER - original "3" miniature by Martin Bower...this turned out into an Airfix model was going to be a TV series but it never made it to production,

Hope you enjoy them,
Richard Dixon


  1. Nice shots Richard.
    Are these models you photographed during your professional career, or did you have a hand in building them as well.

  2. Boy do I remember the Airfix Starcruiser!

  3. Scott Kellogg4/06/2023 4:11 pm

    Very Nice Shots, Richard!
    I remember Ads on the back of Starlog Magazine for the Starcruiser! :)

  4. Hi everyone.....the Gerry Anderson miniatures ...I was very lucky it was one of my first professional assignments ...back in the was at the first of the Blackpool Exhibitions for Gerry Anderson's work....I was asked to cover all the models in the exhibition ....the pictures ended up with Gerry Anderson and ITC Marketing at the time ...I took a lot of duplicates ! ...the opportunity like that does not come every day....I followed Gerry and his team over the years...their work made a big impression on me , which eventually took me into the Toy Industry , Children's Comics and Magazines and more recently into the UK Film Industry creating miniatures myself for two feature films currently being made in the UK . When I did the pictures which were done over three days ....on the last day Gerry himself came in and I was lucky again , we sat down for a chat and coffee...only half an hour but I will always remember that . Will dig out some more of the images in the next few days for the Moonbase Central site....Glad you all like looking at these images...oh ....just one thing the "Starcruiser"model in the was not "3" inches...but around 18 inches in length..spelling error so about that !....Richard Dixon TPD STUDIOS .

  5. I went to that Blackpool exhibition Richard, back in '78 or '79. I think it was called 'Space City'. Is that right ?

  6. You don't have any photos of the BBC exhibition that was on at the same time as the Doctor Who one and Space City do you. It didn't run for long and had a Blake's 7 display. It was probably around 1978. I went but have never seen photos from it.

  7. Hi everyone....You are correct "Mish" was called Space had many of the original models from Space 1999 , Into Infinity , Thunderbirds , Captain original Stingray...and many others....including the sets from the "Jif Commercial" which featured a lot of excellent work from top model maker Martin Bower , he worked al lot with Gerry's team on Space 1999 . The exhibition in the seventies was a big success photography ended up with ITC and Gerry Anderson Marketing.....I did have copies of most of the models ...some have been lost over the years.....the DR Who Exhibition....yes I did cover that one as of my family was the I got special access....those pictures went to the BBC....have a few pictures I think of it....will have to check....Tom Baker was Dr Who at the time of the exhibition and I also did some pictures with him for the BBC.....I nearly got a job with them , but got a better offer at the time ....but it was a very busy time for me in the seventies as I did a lot of theatrical theatre photography in the Blackpool Theatres and on the Piers , taking pictures of the Artists , Pop Groups and Girl Dance Groups in the early days !! If you have more questions just ask away I will try and answer them... Richard Dixon TPD STUDIOS LANCASHIRE .

  8. Fab pics and info Richard. Thanks for sharing with us on Moonbase.

  9. Anytime Paul.....the re-visiting of some of these images which I have put forward to you over the last couple of weeks or so...brought back memories and stories of those times ....not actually seen a lot of these for a very long time....glad to share the images and stories with the followers of Moonbase Central....Richard Dixon .
