Thursday, 6 April 2023


We had some very sad close family news yesterday, a bereavement, but so as not to dwell on it until I can do something practical I need to keep busy, so here's a new post.

As I said, the Missus and me went to Hornsea on the Yorkshire coast. A lovely quaint seaside town full of charm and character. We also visited a very wet Bridlington up the shore too, a much bigger and commercialised seaside town and its sister village of Old Town Bridlington, again a picturesque Yorkshire spot.

Here are a few things we saw in charity shops and antique centres. Taking reader Yorkie's advice we visited Cropper's Model Shop in Bridlington. Talk about timing, its more or less closing for good after this Easter weekend! 50 years of trading done.

This is what was left on Cropper's shelves.

I offered Mr. Cropper a tenner for some old loose Triang Space carriages but no deal. Ah well.

In other shops we saw:

These Matchbox rack cars caught my eye in a proper shop. I hadn't realised they were still going!

Anything you fancy or had as a kid?


  1. Scott Kellogg4/06/2023 4:39 pm

    Very sad to see such a fine hobby shop closing down.

    It looks like a really fun place to look through

    I like the hand carved wooden destroyer! Someone must have really worked hard on it to build it.

    I also see what looks like a matchbox BP Tow Truck with red light on top that we had as kids. At least,with my poor memory, THINK I recognize it.

    Looks great! Wish it would last!

    1. Yes, the destroyer was huge Scott. A fine collectable.

  2. aww crap - wish you had posted this yesterday! Ive wanted that Nazi UFO for ages! Bill

    1. Scott Kellogg4/06/2023 7:01 pm

      It kinda looks like one that was captured from the TV Show "The Invaders" and reverse engineered! :)

    2. Its loosely based on George Adamski's infamous 'sighting' of a venusian saucer, which fabulists seized upon to use asthe basis of a mythical nazi superweapon! Bill

    3. Aww Crap! That's what Hell Boy always says! You got a burning sensation at two points on your head and a throbbing hand Bill? &$*!?

  3. Just contact the model shop Bill, I'm sure you can still bag it!

  4. Sorry for your loss - that is always a real drag. Sad also to see another hobby shop closing. Very, very few left in the States. And yes, I would have snagged the Nazi Saucer if Bill didn’t get there first! SF_Z

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/06/2023 11:22 pm

    I am very sorry for your loss. My regards to all your family. Our models and toys keep us sane, in an insane world.
    It is always a pity to see yet another model shop closing down. I did see some 1/72nd Revell figure sets. I have not seen any of those in New Zealand in years - decades ? - I did not know they were still around.
    The Matchbox Moving Parts series started up a few years ago. They are more expensive than regular Matchbox toys, and come in slightly different packaging. Very hard to find in NZ. Another great day out.

  6. Personal breavement is always terrible, my sister in law died a month or so ago and now her husband is in intensive care and possibly going the same way.

    Those shops look lovely as a distraction -I can totally understand your frame of mind...

    1. So sorry about your Sis in Law. Hope her husband gets better Looey.

  7. It's sad that shops like Cropper's are closing down, but many dealers have this baffling attitude that they would rather sit on overpriced stock for decades rather than sell it for some cash in hand. You can't eat model railways, you know.
