Monday, 3 April 2023

Ed's Very First Space Book: The Lost Race of Mars

It was in 1967 I believe, and my high school's library held a book sale. It was the first one I had ever been to and ended up buying about a half dozen books an eclectic mix of mystery, space, WWII, etc.

Of all the books I bought I remember only two, one of them being this 'chapter book'. My original book - the one bought in '97 - was gotten rid of many years ago so I bought this copy of off fleaBay some years back.

I don't know why I remembered this particular book but it's probably what piqued my interest in science fiction. A few years after that book sale I joined the science fiction book of the month club and devoured probably a few hundred books (almost none of which I can remember today LOL).

BTW, I still have my original copy of Agatha Christies "Ten Little Indians" bought at that book sale - which also got me started on mysteries. hahahaha

Ed Berg
Las Vegas

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