Monday, 2 January 2023


One of my new year resolutions is to tackle our attic, which has sadly fallen into disrepair and is now ruled by spiders and wasps!

I have to admit my resolution was given a kick up the behind by my daughter, who, now approaching 40 herself, wants to sell her childhood toys, which we have kept in storage for her, boxes and all!

There's Cabbage Patch dolls, Cherry Merry Muffin, Barbies, Sindy and tons more awaiting her down memory lane up there.

But first I need to make my way into the attic and find it all!

Whats your attic like readers?


  1. that is seriously tidy. Mine looks like that old toyshop that was found in Holywell a while back

  2. I can help you with some of the stuff on the shelves if you want to downsize :-)

    1. Ha ha! I can't even get to my good stuff Arto!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/02/2023 8:38 pm

    Few houses in New Zealand seem to have either attics or basements. I have never lived in a house that had an attic in over 60 years. So that looks just wonderful, what a lot of storage space. What is that large white building in the upper right corner ? It looks interesting.

    1. It's a plastic model airport building Paul, West German, probably Faller, someone like that.

  4. Not many attics or basements out in this neck of the cactus Woodsy, so garages and sheds become our extra space. I call my garage The Cave and there is NO room to move. Unfortunately, selling things off has been going very s-l-o-w.

    1. I bet your cave is full of amazing stuff Ed!
