Thursday, 29 December 2022


This Wednesday morning we spent moseying round some more charity shops before a big hot dinner of pie and chips!

This huge Barbie plane reminded me of a big black Moonbus!

Roy of the Rovers comics a plenty if, unlike me, you like your footy.

A nice loose Corgi Rolls. £8. A bit steep.

Lots of retro items today; old Christmas pictures and a large boxed Chinese Checkers set.

A whole basket of retro dolls including one with a red PVC coat like the Joe 90 doll. The two little barbies came back to Moonbase. More on this later.

Something we'd not seen before. A beautiful toy car by famous miniature dollmakers Lundby. £25. It looked gorgeous.

Tupperware in abundance just like the parties my Mum threw in the Sixties! Was yours a tupperware house?

As always, loads of books on trains and busses. Real ones.

A whole stack of Practical Wireless magazines. This one is from July 1971 complete with a hip lady, her cool record player and LP's strewn across on the floor.

Amazingly one of the LP's on the magazine cover was also for sale in the records section! This is Soul, which I totally remember as a kid in my older brothers' stacks.

and last but not least, what I bought, a bundle of old plastic toy soldiers and cowboys and parts.

See anything you fancy?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/29/2022 12:24 am

    Those toy soldiers look nice. I think I see Herald and Timpo among them.

    1. Cheers Paul. I'll have fun trying to match all the various spare parts. I could with your expertise!

  2. That Lundby car LUN-001 came in different colours. I've had a couple over the years. The seat belts - usually both - are missing on used examples.

    1. It is a beautiful toy Arto and new to me and the Missus, although we've got some Lundby dolls of our own. The company had [has] such a lovely design ethic, which you often find with Scandinavian toy makers. This particular car in the shop had just one of the seat belts, yes! Such a gorgeous toy, we were sorely tempted Arto!
