Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Thunderbird 7: The Blog Effect?

Bill talks about the blog effect now and then so when I saw this I wondered if this would be a case in point as the effect usually involves misquoting MC content.

Thunderbirds Wiki have a description of a Fantasy Thunderbird 7 at the bottom of their their JR21 toys section https://thunderbirds.fandom.com/wiki/JR_21_Toys_(J.Rosenthal)

The idea of a fantasy Thunderbird 7 is OK as it stands, as one was released as a model kit. But it was released by Imai and not JR21. The photograph shown is a one-off custom created by erstwhile blog contributor Ferryman for his own entertainment, which we featured here in 2009!


JR21 themselves never released a Thunderbird 7.

So is Thunderbirds Wiki's gaff the blog effect?

The Imai Thunderbird 7 is actually the Project SWORD Beetle, which I described many times on MC including here in 2014 https://projectswordtoys.blogspot.com/2014/04/new-origins-of-project-sword-toys.html


  1. Whoever did that Thunderbird wiki page has taken a fair chunk of it's info from the blog, including using a few of my photos , annoyingly removing my name credit , too.
