Wednesday, 3 August 2022


I've always liked PEZ. Probably as a kid but definitely as an adult. I used to buy mint Pez whenever I could, keep them a few years and then put them on my vintage toy stall. Star wars were always popular, as we're superheroes.

I've got a Pez in my hand at the moment. It's a woody from toy story. I think we must have got it Moonbase Junior.

Taking a look at it there are all sorts of numbers. On the base is a long 7 digit number 191 243 0, also on the base is a 2-digit number 07. On the side is a single digit 6 and on the other side is the US patent number 75238 41.

I can imagine that these numbers are important to serious PEZ collectors. Unfortunately I can only guess at what they all mean.

The best, most collectible PEZ I ever owned was green head and body Creature from the Black Lagoon from 1965. I sold it it on my my vintage toy stall in the Noughties. It was great fun to own search a collectible PEZ for a while.

Have you got any PEZ readers?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand8/03/2022 7:32 am

    Just a few, you simply can not collect everything. I would be a terrible toy dealer. Once something enters my collection, it stays there. I have had to down-size in the last few years, and that has been hard for me. The Egyptians had the right idea, take everything with you.

    1. Collect like an Egyptian!

  2. I used to get them for my grand daughter.She actually liked the dispenser more than the candy.I would scarf up all the candy .Strawberry is my all time fave!

    1. This is BrianF,by the way

    2. Hey Brian, welcome back Monster Base! How's New Jersey this summer? Hot?

    3. Hot,and dry.We could use some rain.

  3. Had a couple in the late 60s / early 70s.
    Think I had a Batman one.
    Struggled to get the sweets, and didn't understand how the dispenser benefitted you, so lost interest.

    1. Wow, a Batman Pez. Sounds fab Mish. Superhero Pez are probably the best looking Pez. They just look great.
