Friday, 12 August 2022




  1. Scott Kellogg

  2. I've managed to persuade my wife to watch the old Gerry Anderson shows, and she's enjoying it.

    She really liked Stingray, and I talked her into liking Supercar, because, while they hadn't developed the marionette technology quite as well, the stories and humor are much better than Fireball XL5 (which she didn't care for)

    We're currently enjoying Thunderbirds, and we just finished "The Mighty Atom."

    I think I tried to show her Thunderbirds 10 years ago, and she didn't care for it, but she's enjoying it this time.

    She still rolls her eyes at Space: 1999. She says the acting is more wooden than the puppets (and I kind of have to agree...!)

    1. Your wife has good taste! Supercar actually is better than Fireball XL5, story-wise at least, although the boss opening and closing segments still give me goosebumps. And I applaud her perceptive analysis of Space:1999, absolutely the nadir of the Anderson universe. Never got that show, and I never will. As for Stingray, I can't watch anything after the great opening sequence, because of Phones: worst portrayal of a Southern accent ever lol

    2. Funny you should say that: She started liking Stingray *Because* of Phones Southern character! She's Southern herself. I guess the fact is, that the Southern accent varies all over the place. My boss and his manager are from the same town and their accents are very different. Alabama is different from Georgia and Florida even though they're all right next to each other.

      We watched Thunderbirds "The Imposters" last night, and that's her new favorite episode because of Good Natured Arkansas Hillbilly, Jeremiah managing to show up city slicker Lady Penelope. Ha! :)
