Thursday, 18 August 2022


 I've finally finished sorting through the photos I took last weekend at the excellent Cromford Mills sci-fi model event. Here's a small selection.

Stingray model by David Sisson

This was a bigger event than last year, with more models on display from a host of talented modellers, as well as original props, costumes,  cosplayers, gamers, and even some dealers selling vintage collectables at some real bargain prices!

Frankenstein's Monster by James Burgess

The Hood and Parker displayed by Carl & Doug Stirling - Stewart.

A huge and incredibly detailed 'Serenity' model built by Richard Ashton.

Original prop of The Pilot Ship from the Space: 1999 two-part episode, Bringers of Wonder, part of Simon Rhodes display.

Aquaphibian replica from Fireball XL5 episode, XL5 To H20, part of Lee Allwood's display.

Jon Pertwee cosplayer, Scott Goodman with sonic screwdriver.

A replica of the Muller Android Head from the Blake's 7 episode, Headhunter. Part of Gary Holland's display.

Thunderbird 2 built by David Sisson.

Serenity model by Richard Ashton,  complete with a tiny Kaylee Frye figure.

Original  Space:1999 costumes.

Original Blake's 7 costumes.

Puppet replicas of Virgil & John Tracy, displayed by Carl & Doug Stirling-Stewart.

It  was a well attended event, and certainly appeared to appeal to a variety of age groups.

Also, something to appeal to Gamer fans. here's Matt promoting a 'deck building' game called War of the Worlds - One more day.

Finally, for now, a few photos putting faces to names:

Model maker extraordinaire,  David Sisson.

Alison Thorn (on the right), and her friend, Tina Bell who assisted David in setting up and looking after his display during the day.

Gary Holland, brought along some of his Blake's 7 collection, including this screen- used explosive device signed by Gareth Thomas and Glynis Barber.

Richard Ashton's Dad, Ken, who tells me he's a sprightly 84 years old, chats to Simon Rhodes.

Richard Ashton checks if the pilot light's gone out on the rocket motors of his model Viper.

Carl & Doug Stirling-Stewart, along with a few Tracy brothers.

A Dalek contemplates joining Fanderson.

And last ,but certainly not least, here's yours truly with Dave C, one of our blog readers, who commented on my AMT Monkeemobile post a while back about the appearance of the original Monkeemobile used in the Sisters of Mercy 'Black Planet' video.

All in all the whole event was out of this world!



  1. Great photos of what looks like a great event. When I was collecting original Blakes 7 costumes, I always wanted Avon's jacket from 'Aftermath' etc. (Top left on the wall in your photo) but never managed it!

    1. Thanks Kev. Yeah, Blake's 7 is still as popular as ever.

  2. I FANTASTIC photos Mike but I was on holiday on the Isle of Wight. Looked a great day.Clive E

  3. Looks like another fab event Scoop and its amazing how they manage to pack so much into that mill. And hi Dave C! Nice to put a face to a name!

    1. It was certainly well attended Woodsy, and there was plenty to see. I should admit I didn't get to see it all, as some displays were under gazebos near the the main marquee.

  4. It was an excellent event. Thanks for posting these. Looking forward to the next one!

    1. My pleasure, Mark glad you enjoyed it.

  5. As ever you've caught the feel of the event Scoop and it does look like a good one.
    Dave Sisson's stuff is always worth seeing.
    I thought about coming along, but it was just a bit too far away. Maybe next year.

    1. Thanks Mish, it's a fair trek for me, but I always find it hard to pass on a meet up. Btw I thought of you as David brought along his Starbug which I 'll post some photos of later. ; )

  6. Scott Kellogg8/18/2022 2:31 pm

    I always did wonder how the Aquaphibians in XL5 were related to the Aquaphibians in Stingray... ;)

    1. Ha,ha! Intriguing thought, Scott, maybe Titan's Aquaphibians are really Astrophibians! ; )

  7. Looks like it was a superb event, such great variety and some fantastic items, would love to have gone and seen it for myself but thank you for the very next best thing Mike. - Andy

    1. Thanks for that, Andy. Of course I'm always appreciative of folk like yourself who go to the trouble of displaying their collections : )

  8. Looks like a lovely time! I wish we had enough critical mass down here in Australia to have shows like this. Nice to see the faces behind the models. David Sissons is one of my gods!
