Sunday, 26 June 2022

This Morning's Catch

A meagre haul at the boot sale today but very enjoyable browsing and buying in the sunshine nonetheless. 

Lots of toy stands and many fine items. Mego Star Trek reissues. Tons of Corgi and Dinky. Loads of old annuals. The summer brings them all out for the outdoor sales.

Have you been to any car boot sales or any sales of late readers?


  1. What's the pale blue spaceship looking thing Woodsy ?

    1. It's Defenders of the Earth Mish. I think it's called the Flash Swordship or similar. It is a sword. The blade extends. Unusual and never seen one a boot sale before. Galoob 1985.

  2. Lovely. It and the Leif Erickson—and DS9’s Defiant—look from the same builder. I would cut off the handle and glue submarine conning towers and warp nacelles on it.
