Monday, 13 June 2022


I just love this photo I saw on flickr of a US Coastguard vehicle in Sturgeon Bay by Garrit Speckhard.

I'm not entirely sure of its a boat or a land vehicle or both but its got Gerry Anderson chops in spades!

It would have looked great on Thunderbirds!

Coast Guard, DNR rescue 7 ice fishermen near Sturgeon Bay, WI

There's a real SHADO vibe to the front especially when you think of Mike Trim's original concept.

What do you think?


  1. Cor! That would make a serious bit of IR kit. In one of the Thunderbirds annuals, the one with an orange cover I think. There are designs for additional pod vehicles, and that would definitely fit in there.

    1. BYW, on the subject of Trim and Meddings designs, there's one aspect to their amazing designs I've never seen discussed.
      I've looked at odd features (like for instance, the boat-prow like shape of the Mobile's front fender) it makes perfect sense if the thing is amphibious. But I've always wondered, did they sit around kit bashing interesting shapes first, then work them up as concept sketches instead of starting with a blank sheet of paper?
      Maybe both Mike and Derek wanted to preserve the mystique by never discussing this aspect of their work process!

  2. I dont think they kit bashed first, but they definitely referenced contemporary military and other vehicles as part of their design process, and they may have used kits of those, as visual guides, to draw up their final ideas.

  3. They both did amazing drawings and sketches and paintings for their designs. I've got Derek M's 21st Century Visions book and Mike T's book too. Both really excellent. So many amazing concepts, which I'm sure were influenced by all sorts of contemporary hardware. I'm unsure which came first, design or basic model.
