Monday, 13 June 2022


The other day I mentioned I had got hold of 2 loose Johnny Lightnings from 1971.

Mine came without their plastic accessories.

In original complete condition the Twin Blaster for instance would look like this all souped up with yellow fins.

Not wanting to recreate these plastic parts per se, I hoped to be inspired by them and the overall vibe of the car instead.

First of all I silvered the side engines with a paint pen and reddened the body with a sharpie. Then I went to town!

Hope you like my artistic licence readers!


  1. Nice touch up work! As much as the trouble you've gone to to replicate the look of an original Lightning, I think your original find looked better bare, than with all that yellow plastic malarkey on it!
    As I studied the pictures, it dawned on me that the midships engine block is reversed! I wonder if the example in the reference photo had been assembled differently. Maybe a factory error somewhere?
    Hmmm, I'll get back to counting some nice rivets now...

    1. I agree Looey. They look better stripped down without all that plastic. Amazing designs and bigger in size than Hot Wheels. Not sure about the engines.
