Sunday, 19 June 2022

Cabinet Meeting

Yesterday the Missus and me went on tour. We stopped off at three charity shops before walking along the Leeds Liverpool canal.

In one cabinet were a couple of original Optimus Primes at £20 each and very pricey He-Man figures around £5 and £10 each.

I took a pic of the cabinet.

In another cabinet there was action figure of the late Steve Irwin wrestling a crocodile!

I picked up this bundle from these cabinets. A fiver.

And a couple of Light Sabres in another charity. Two squid.

At the local boot sale today these nice die-casts came my way too.

What do you think?


  1. That figure lurking behind the Sith Lord is really interesting. Must be the Supremo prototype from the legendary unproduced SWORD range!

    Nice haul BTW :-)

    1. Oops! I tried to stay out of shot! ha ha

  2. Money well spent in my opinion, Woodsy. Good call.

    1. Cheers Tone. Since posting I've read up on the Hot Wheels and there's a cautionary tale to tell for novice HW collectors like me!

  3. Good things still to be had for a Quid!
    I suspected I knew what that white cruciform object was. I downloaded your puc, cŕopped it and put it through the power of Google Lens.
    Sure enough, it's a Star Wars Vehicle Maintenance Energizer! I can't copy the website URL but the owners want $42.88 for it.
    "...and Woodsie comes through the middle here at the Op Shop... And SCORE! What a player he is!"

    1. Wow, thanks Looey! I knew it was Star Wars but was unsure what it was. I had Mini Rig in my head so thanks for the precise Googling! Oddly enough there was another one but it behind tons of tat and just couldn't reach it! Also a squid! I have a very small vintage Star Wars collection forming once more and this will fit in well.
