Sunday, 3 April 2022

Yellow Belly Custard

Me and the Missus are currently caring for an elderly relative in his nineties.

The older you get the more you seem to live in the past. I think it's happening to me too.

Songs from my childhood keep whispering in my lug 'ole. Some complete and some mere shadows of what they must have been.

Being a sprinkler of sand in kids' eyes to get them off to sleep, the sandman I saw reminded me of a bedtime lullaby my Mum used to sing to me sixty years ago. I can recall the wistful melody but only the first two lines.

'Go to sleep my baby. Close your pretty eyes.'

Anyone recognise it? 

Another song I recall is whole and intact. A bit rank and very childish, do you remember: 

'Yellow belly custard, green snot pie, all mixed up in a dead dog's eye. Slap it on a butty nice and thick. Wash it down with a cold cup of sick!'

Do you recall any childhood tunes?


  1. Remember old Doctor Demento?

    1. I like it Scott. Never heard Mechanical Man before.

  2. MJ Southcoast base4/04/2022 1:27 pm

    Angels up above you is the next line for the lullaby as for the rest it escapes me, I only have Laurel and Hardy singing Go to sleep my ba-haby!

    1. Yes! That's it. I remember that line! Ta MJ. Wonder what's next?

  3. the custard bit appears in a Beatles lyric too, but thats probably just Lennon repurposing an old street rhyme

    1. Of course! I am the Walrus! What's it like being the fifth Beatle?

    2. Ha ha - Its not the Best! and i'm 100% Lancashire now, not a scouser anymore!
