Saturday, 5 March 2022

Spanish Space Rescue Helicopter Toy


Here is a film clip from You Tube showing what I think is a Spanish toy from about the 1960s. It is a tethered flying helicopter that you control. 

The helicopter takes off, flies out to sea, picks Astronauts out of a floating space capsule, and transfers them to a waiting rescue boat, then returns to base, and lands. It is called Rescate Espacial, which I think is Space Rescue. I do not recall having seen this before.


The name of the maker seems to be Congost. Here are a few more items on this toy.

Vintage 1969 Congost Rescate Espacial Space Rescue tinplate toy Gemini, Apollo | #495545463 (

Congost rescate espacial ref 901 - space rescue - Vendu en vente directe - 16028576 (

Juego de rescate espacial en caja de congost co - Sold through Direct Sale - 52489902 (

RARE SPACE RESCUE TOY VINTAGE CONGOST SPAIN Battery Height Route Speed WORKS | #1847096592 (

Paul Adams from New Zealand

1 comment:

  1. Congost also made a wonderful Lunokhod space toy/game. It comes with an amazing Spacex like Lunokhod rover and magnetic moon rock samples!
