Saturday, 5 March 2022

Kevins Blakes 7 Prop Abused

 As mentioned earlier in the 'Shady Characters/Memory Lane' post, BBC TV show 'Pebble Mill at One' ran a Blakes 7 piece, back in the day and feautured Gareth Edwards (Blake) and Jacqueline Pierce (Servalan) from the show. One of Kevin Davies replica Liberator Guns was featured and Gareth appears to have become a little over appreciative of his workmanship!


  1. Ah yes! I think they got in touch with me via the Blake's 7 fan club and asked what I could lend them. They settled on my Liberator gun and Federation trooper helmet (makes sense as one played the head of the Federation military and the other the chap in charge (nominally!),of the Liberator. I didn't go down for the filming, sadly as I was at work. They kept hold of the helmet for a while as they said they wanted to do more filming with it but I never did find out what. They got it back to me eventually. The show was meant to go out live but it didn't because that was the day the First Gulf War broke out. It was shown later and is now one of the special features on the season 2 dvd boxset!

    1. Wow - a Pebble Mill boxset! Ill have to get that!

    2. Season 98 is the best!

  2. You could have harvested a bit of DNA off the gun and cloned yourself a Roj Blake!

    1. They cloned Blake in season 2, at least twice but one got shot!
