Sunday, 6 February 2022


As reader Mish, mentioned the first issue of Look- In that featured Space: 1999, here's a reminder of the 1999 features inside.

Look In issue 38, dated 13th September, 1975:

The front cover art by Italian artist, Arnaldo Putzu, who also worked on cinema posters.  One particular favourite of mine is from the film, Get Carter.

Here's a scan of the Look In artwork without the lettering found online.

Space: 1999 comic strip written by Angus Allan with art by John M. Burns. 

Here's an example of John M Burns  original Space: 1999 artwork that was on display at the 2019 Fanderson convention.

A double page feature to introduce the reader to the world of Space:1999.


  1. That is really good stuff. I do like Space 1999. New book about it coming out soon I believe.

    1. Cheers Kev. Yes, you're right, the Space:1999 Vault book should be out next month after a couple of delays. I understand the hold ups were due to the authors finding some new material which they wanted to add. I've had it pre-order for months!

  2. That's the issue I had Scoop.
    Loved the John Burns strip.
    Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Happy to do it, Mish. Yes, John Burns has that unique style, a total contrast to Mike Noble's precise and clean art. John is much looser in his approach, much more fluid, creating movement within the panels. I do admit though, I prefer seeing his colour work.

  3. Thanks Scoop, nice to have a look! September 13th - is that pure coincidence?

    1. Probably a bit of serendipity, Arto. The series did air at the beginning of September, 1975 in the UK (my local station, Granada showed it on the 26th). As you'll probably know, the producers would have liked a simultaneous broadcast across the regions, but at least we got it near 'breakaway' day, the 13th!
