Monday, 7 February 2022



Further to the information I sent in on King Kong, here are some photos from the internet of the Mego King Kong - The Last Stand kit.

This kit was based on the 1976 re-make of King Kong. It was a simple snap-together model, No Glue Necessary. 

It shows King Kong standing astride the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York, as in the movie poster. He has a Lockheed F-104 Starfighter jet in one hand, and Jessica Lange in the other.

The end of the box says Manufactured Exclusively For Mego Corp... In The British Colony of Hong Kong. King Kong from Hong Kong. 

Interesting that the box says manufactured for rather than by Mego, so the actual maker seems not to be given. Kit number 74040, released in 1976. It does not look as though this kit has ever been re-issued ?

It now sells for several hundred US dollars on Ebay, with only one kit listed below $299. Plus postage.

These two You Tube videos include a 1970s vintage TV ad for two King Kong kits by Mego.

Although the Mego Museum site says the King Kong and Giant Snake kit was not actually produced, despite being advertised on TV, at least I assume the ad was shown on TV.

Apart from a photo on the MM site, there does not seem to be anything else on this kit.

The photos are all from the internet.

1 - Kit and box - Ebay

2 - Kit parts - Worthpoint

3 - Box end - Amazon UK

4 - Assembled model - Mego Museum

Paul Adams from New Zealand

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating write-up Paul. Such icons and all three fell, one in fantasy and two tragically in real life. Seems strange to see models of the twin towers now.
