Sunday, 2 January 2022

Lots More Old TV Ads


         Here are some more collections of old TV toy commercials. First up, Topper Toys, with a selection of Secret Sam items that includes a cane, pipe, and baseball bat that all shoot. A remote control truck. Tigers soldiers and remote control tank. Silly Safari game. Various dolls.

Topper Toys Television Commercials The The 1960s - YouTube

     This Marx collection includes the Bop-A-Bear game. A double-barrelled big game gun fires rubber tipped darts at a battery powered bump-and-go bear - he growls when hit. Totally nuts. Missile firing robots. A child-sized ride-on Batmobile (did they do an adult-sized version ?), playsets including the Cape Kennedy set. At the end there is a shot of a Flintstones train set, but we only see the box.

By MARX! A Tribute to Marx Toys (with commercials and fun facts) - YouTube

     Then almost an hour of old TV ads. The Steve Canyon toys look amazing - and expensive given the dates. But what would they go for today ? The Screaming Mee Mee-e rifle and pistol, trumpeter Louis Armstrong in a commercial for the Suzy Cute doll, American Flyer model railway with landscaped sections that clip together, Slot Cars, and a Roy Rogers Quick Shooter Hat which contains a concealed Derringer pistol. Near the end is a walking Billy Blastoff.

CLASSIC TV TOY COMMERCIALS 1950/60s 60 minutes - YouTube

Happy New Year!

Paul Adams from New Zealand

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