Wednesday, 19 January 2022


I'm glad they cite Thunderbirds as the source for the name FAB1! They've made millions off it!


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/19/2022 5:06 pm

    Wow. An icecream van version of the Peel P50. I did not know there was an electric version of this tiny car. Nice to see a model FAB1 being used in the advertisement. Thank you finding this.

    1. No worries Paul. Do you/ did you have FAB ice lollies in NZ? They were named after FAB1 the car from Thunderbirds back in the 60's.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/20/2022 4:05 am

    I do not recall it, but most of these special novelty icecreams etc, were fairly short lived. I think there might have been a Joe 90 one, or am I confusing that with something else ? Might have been Crazy Joe Cola ? I do not think NZ had many of these tie-in products, certainly not compared to the vast selection available in Britain.

    1. I think there was a Joe 90 lolly Paul. FAB appeared in the Sixties and as far as I know has never been out of production in the UK! Crazy Joe Cola rings a bell as well!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/20/2022 5:20 pm

    I think the TV ads for Crazy Joe Cola (I think that is the correct name) featured a boy in rather old fashioned clothes, and had a speeded up look, suggesting a silent film from the 1920s or so.
    I am astounded that FAB1 has been in production for such a long time. A record for a tie-in icecream ?
