Monday, 18 October 2021


 The local Morrisons has a whole aisle of Halloween goodies.

Here's a few that caught my bloodshot eye.

This boney fella is actually sat on a toilet!

Yoga Scalliwag

One other thing that I noticed was the total lack of free premiums in today's breakfast cereals.

I couldn't see any!

The golden days of breakfast gifts is over!

What are the Halloween aisles like in your part of the world readers and are there ANY breakfast cereal premiums at all anywhere?


  1. Breakfast cereal premiums are long-dead. Those lovely plastic toys lurking in the depths of the box were deemed a choking hazard donkey's years ago. Other than the odd send-away (or now very rare free bowl (on the shelf next to the cereal) with purchase) its all internet based now. Enter code to win Xbox,PS whatever or one of these great prizes rubbish!

    1. I still have loads of flat cereal packets with the free gift from my toy stall days. Mostly from the 1990's. It was an art form but like you say Timmy, sadly gone.
