Monday, 18 October 2021


Back in the day our daughter, a mere youngster at the time, was into various kiddy characters who were popular for a while. Some endured and some didn't but I bet you've heard of them all.

Holly Hobbie - a sort of little shabby chic hippy girl with a floppy hat, Holly got absolutely everywhere; cups, plates, jigsaws, statues and more. I bet there was a game too and maybe even toys. If you go to a few charity shops today there will be something to do with Holly Hobbie in there like a cup or a purse.

Rainbow Brite - a multi-coloured girl who had masses of hair I recall. Lots of merchandising, Annuals and figures. I used to find Rainbrow Brite stuff mint in package at boot sales in the 90's.

Victoria Plum - I don't remember much about this little fairy-type urchin. A sort of forest Holly Hobbie. I used to find a few jigsaw puzzles at sales. There's a bathroom company with the same name.

Strawberry Shortcake - our daughter had and still has some toys from this range. They're in our attic.

Fern Gully - I know next to nothing about this except that at some point our little 'un had an annual.

Do you know any of these readers?

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