Saturday, 18 September 2021


 These shots of an old plastic toy Supercar appeared on an Argentinian sale. It was described as broken and ready for restoration. I think its a Fairylite. You can see the crack in the rear fin.

This is the underside.

Being broken it reminded me of a somewhat more damaged Fairylite Supercar that featured here a decade ago by early contributor Ferryman.

The damage was almost catastrophic.

In Ferryman's talented hands and some light Fairy dust this is how it turned out!

You can see how he did it here.

Is the Fairylite toy the best Supercar toy or is it the Plaston one or something else?

Have you repaired or restored a Supercar?

Have you got a Supercar toy? Did you have one as a kid?


  1. Very nice. I restored a Budgie Supercar many years ago.

    1. You still got it Kev?

    2. I have. It and the Product Enterprises Supercar are the only things I've got from the show. I don't remember it too clearly.

  2. I had a Fairylite Supercar as a kid, and managed to find a replacement a couple or so years ago. I also have a Cecil Coleman version, plus a white metal recast of the Budgie model. As well as a few Johnny Lightning Supercars and a couple of Product Enterprise ones.

    1. Sounds like a fine fleet that Kid. How big is the Cecil Coleman supercar?
