Saturday, 18 September 2021


We watched Bird Box the other night on NF. 

Its a sci-fi apocalyptic flick about global mass suicides. Not a pleasant premise at all but the mystery of the cause keeps its rolling along. All we see are shadows and breezes and then .... bam!

Sandra Bullock plays the lead along with two kids she calls boy and girl. John Malkevich is the unhinged neighbour. he reminded me of Tim Robbins's mad cellar dweller in Cruise's War of the Worlds.

Ms. Bullock plays a decent straight role again and holds our attention as she tries to navigate with her two wards through a ravaged lethal world.

There are similarities to M.Night Shiyamalan's The Happening, an older film, which first gave us the ominous wind, the harbinger of self-destruction. As i can't recall how it ends I can't the finales.

In the epoch of a global pandemic Bird Box strikes a sort of chord as the human tide slows to a standstill trying to figure out what to do next.

Have you seen Bird Box or the Happening? What about A Quiet Place or The Silence?

I imagine there are many sci-fi stories similar to these too. Do you know any readers?

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