Saturday, 4 September 2021


In our local antiques emporium there's a stack of old kids' TV annuals [all £3 each]. Two caught my eye because I'd never heard of them before. Here they are as they appear on the web.

First up is Danger UXB. At first glance I thought this was an Action Man annual but it appears to be about a real bomb squad?

Second is The Quest, which looks like a Western. is that Kurt Russell on the cover?

Are these annuals and TV shows that you know readers?

Do you collect annuals?


  1. Danger UXB is actually a very good ITV series about a bomb squad. It can still be seen on Dailymotion.

  2. Both were TV series shown here on ITV. UXB I never watched, but I was a Quest addict. Kurt Russell and Tim Matheson. If I 'member rightly they are brothers-being seperated after an Indian attack with Russell's character having been brought up by them. Were they searching for their parents? Anyways I got home late at night to see the 'last' episode due on at 11pm, turned on tv at 10.50 just to have a screen of end of transmission fizz. Waaaa!
    Much later I found that of however many eps there were, the last 3 were never shown and there was no final resolution ep. Booo!

    1. Tim Matheson eh? he of National Lampoon's Animal House fame? So, he did other stuff too. I think I've seen him in a brilliant 80's Horror film called Pulse as well. have you managed to get the last 3 Quest episodes on digital or DVD Timmy?

  3. Danger UXB has recently been shown at least twice on Talking Pictures TV. Freeview Channel 81. I'm sure it'll be back round again.

    1. Really. Thanks Yorkie. I should just have that Talking Pictures channel running all day.

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/04/2021 12:03 pm

    Danger UXB (unexploded bomb) was a 1979 British series about a bomb disposal squad in WW2. Anthony Andrews was the young Royal Engineers officer in charge. There were 13 episodes, so I doubt there was much merchandise about for the show. I only dimly remember it, as it was 40 odd years ago.
    The Complete Series has been released on DVD.
    According to Green's Guide to Collecting TV, Music & Comic Annuals there was just one Annual, published in 1979 by World.

    1. Thanks Paul. An Annual I've never seen or indeed the series. It has to be said I was 18 in 1979 and my head was filled with rock. I don't think I watched telly.
