Friday, 27 August 2021


Its the last day of our holidays on the lonely hills of the Yorkshire Moors, a place we really adore, and since 1989 when our daughter was 5, our spiritual home from home. Now her own 5 year old son Junior is here with us all too, along with her own 2 year old daughter. Hopefully one day they'll also bring their own grandchildren to the beautiful Moors by the sea.

We also shared our rented moorland house with Superman - or to be more precise - a Superfan. Junior loved this toy gadget and his joy reminded me of the happiness that holiday toys bring to kids. I was no different half a century ago when my Mum and Dad took me to Butlins. I'm sure you felt the same about getting toys - and comics - on your holidays. Is that right?

Here's Junior fanning the garden tree with his Superfan! 

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