Friday, 27 August 2021

Old Haunts

Do you ever return to past places where you found some collectables in the hope of similar bounty?

I do. I did this holiday in the Yorkshire Moors but to no avail. Last year I found quite a lot of old toys. Gormiti boxed sets in a Teeside Charity shop in Stokesly springs to mind. Returning to the same shop like a wasp I was dissapointed to find nada, nichts, nowt.

In fact I've found not a single old die-cast car in thirty charity shops in the region. I can officially declare it a vintage die-cast desert, at least for now!

I did visit one of the two collectables haunts I have, one a shop and one a famous kiosk, in Whitby but the shop was .... shut! The kiosk in the old town was just too far to walk as Ive got a stinker of a cold and required hot tea and the sofa.

Here's part of the collectable's shop window.


  1. I went to the kiosk in Whitby about ten years ago.
    Came away with two broken but recognisable Sword toys and a 1970s yellow Louis Marx Dalek for a tenner. Result !

    1. Fantastic Mish. Did you do up the SWORD toys?

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand8/27/2021 9:49 pm

    I am sure I would have been able to find something interesting in there. What a pity it was closed. Take care of yourself, and stay warm.

    1. Yep Paul. The Pandemic has affected a lot of small shops

  3. I'll never get back there and it probably doesn't exist any more, but there was this ONE toy shop in Torquay...
    I visited it about 5 years ago and it was like those shops you find in dreams.
    A small Victorian facade with a jumbled interior full of 70s era toys at (for an Aussie) amazingly reasonable prices.
    I came away with used, but quite presentable examples of a Corgi Monkeemobile and an original gold JB DB5!

    This post also reminds me of a strange outback corner store I visited in Coober Pedy in 1976. I was on a tour and was running dangerously low on cash. In this underground shop was a rotating magazine rack with four Aoshima(?) Fantasy pla-models in their original boxes.
    What were they doing there? What were the actual subjects? I'll never know as I couldn't afford them and the bus was leaving to continue on it's dusty journey...

    1. Superb finds Looey! Have you still got those two beauties? And what are pla-models?

    2. Japanese model kits. They call them pla (stic) mo (dels) The Japanese have a wonderful habit of creating portmanteau words from other languages. Hence the word Cosplay.
      Sometimes though, they really don't get it, like the time they created a mascot for Fukushima, wanted it to be happy and ended up with a character called "Fukuppy"!

    3. ha ha, I had to chuckle at that last one Looey!

  4. Thats kiosk in Whitby is almost never open! On the two occasions i have been, its been shut.
    Looies Torquay shop sounds like a marvel, the last time I was in Torquay though, I was about 9!

    1. ha ha, it used to be open all the time when I went on mi hols in the 90's and 00's Wote. You even helped me fix a Fairylite Stingray I got there for a fiver! My Sin in Law went last week on our hols and said it was open! As I was full of lurgy I didn't make it.
