Sunday, 23 May 2021


Being a home model toy tinkerer of sorts I always appreciate it when I see how other folks knock up home-made toys, especially when they use whatever they can find in the house like I do. 

Usually scratch builders are much much more adept than me and its really great to see what can be achieved with proper talent and the right tools like Kevin does on a regular basis on Moonbase.

This You Tuber is no exception either and with ingenuity and his dremel kit he creates something truly amazing from something we all have somewhere in the home, a gas lighter. I was so hooked that I watched it all. I was blown away with the result. 

It also struck a personal chord as I have a scar on my finger tip pad from when I was a kid and tried to cut a plastic toy bus in half to create, yes, a spy's cigarette lighter! I succeeded in simply removing a chunk of my finger and nothing more!

Anyways, back to the future, see what you think of this, Ank Creative's light tinkering. Just need McFly to turn up now!

If you liked that then maybe check out this You Tuber's equally brilliant cig lighter Mustang! Hot Wheels or what!


  1. Lewis Morley5/23/2021 11:08 pm

    Jaw droppingly good!
    If I hadn't been able to watch the process, I never would have believed it was possible!
    I only realised as an afterthought that this is a stock Delorian, not a Doc Brown special!

    1. I know. its amazing Looey. the Mustang video is ace as well! So talented!
