Friday, 2 April 2021


 Even after 30 years rummaging around with old toys its always a thrill to come across something I've not seen before.

Amongst a pile of second hand dolls furniture the Missus bought at an outdoor sale last summer where bits of pink and beige plastic furniture.

Seeing them again recently I thought, hmmm, they look a bit space age.

A playmobil astronaut modelled the sofa for me.

Underneath the sofa its says Made Exclusively for Debenhams. So, a UK department store made them. In that sense they recall the Explorer 12 toys made by British Home Stores, another UK department store from the 80's. It always amazes me when general store chains like these enter the world of exclusive toys.

Alas both BHS and Debenhams are now gone or almost gone.

Here are the two space age chairs we have from the set.

A little googling and I found a boxed set online.

What we have is the Lounge Furniture from a range called Sarah Louise!


It looks like the 70's to me.

Digging a bit more I found this description of the garden furniture set on Worthpoint.

Sarah Louise was a 6 1/2" tall doll made by Pedigree in the 1960's and 70's exclusively for Debenhams. She was in fact a miniature Sindy.

So, a mini Sindy. You can see Sarah reclining on her lounger on this lovely boxed set I found pictured on Worthpoint too.

So, Sara Louise furniture ID'd.


  1. They do look suitably spacey. I found a website a while ago that gives details of all the chairs used in Doctor Who and Blakes 7!

  2. No offence Kevin, but that's one sad website you found there.
    Informative, yes, but still sad.

  3. Worryingly, I quite enjoyed it!

  4. Thanks for the link. What a labour of love. Impressive range of chairs!
