Friday, 2 April 2021

King Crater - In the Court of the Cratered King

After Kevin posted his wonderful custom Crater Critter 'Glubber', I contacted him immediately to request a version for myself. As ever, Kevin kindly came up with the goods and this week, King Crater arrived in all his royal splendour!
I struggled to collect all the figures back in the day, but the very first box I opened held an orange Glubber and a purple Gloob. 

After that however, and my response to the sickly sweet cereal, I wasn't allowed to buy any more so had to resort to playground dealings with my schoolmates, which managed to procure me a Miss Venus, who tragically was lost in the open hearth at home and a purple King Crater (sans crown) who has been cosseted over the last few decades, lest he befall a similar fate. Then, in the mid 2000's, I found some repro figures and completed my set and got the King a new crown.

So KC has been very close to my heart ever since, as one of a favoured line of aliens. I wonder if he is so special as he reminded me of the Terrence Cuneo paintings of the Tripods in the serialised edition in 'Tell Me Why' around the same time.


  1. And no better place to show off King Crater and his pals than the Jonny Astro crater.
    Great stuff guys.

  2. You clearly know your craters Mish!

  3. No crater love have thee!

  4. Great work Kevin! Those Crater Critters always remind me of some cards I had as a kid called Krazy Kreatures

  5. Thanks, I don't really remember any except Glubber which I had as a kid but I didn't collect any others.

  6. If you have any Kingly Critters take good care of them as they may be worth $$$s.

    At an auction near me last week here in Oz, a purple Kingly Critter with full intact crown went for $A186. That's about GBP100!

    Cheers, Tony P
