Friday, 30 April 2021

Aurora Monster Scene Kits

Hi all

Some interesting items on You Tube from 2017, including a look at the Aurora Monster Scenes kits, several of which had optional parts, and were designed to be used together.

This second one is on two snap-together kits that were designed by Aurora, but which were never produced. A few decades later they were issued by a company I have never heard of, Dencomm. These are The Dungeon, and The Animal Pit. Both are unboxed, and assembled.

Good detail in both.

Then there is a further short clip showing both models built up and painted.

Paul Adams from New Zealand

PS. Does anyone have any of these Monster Scenes?


  1. I had the classic Aurora monster kits but didn't know about these Monster Scenes.
    However, as I liked kits with settings in them, like Aurora's Prehistoric scenes, I think I would have loved these.

    1. There were just so many Aurora kits around Mish I doubt anyone had them all. It was a great time to be a kid, the Monster craze.
