Friday, 30 April 2021


Hi all

I have been watching some of the Monsterama film clips on You Tube, introduced by Elvira - Mistress of the Dark. 

You mentioned these in an old post, so I had a look, including the one on Aurora monster kits. She is great fun, I remember seeing her in the movie Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1988) years ago on TV. 

America has a long tradition of horror hosts introducing late night horror movies on TV. Alas, this was not the case in New Zealand, and we certainly did not have anyone like Elvira. 

If we had, I would probably have become a horror fan much earlier.

The closest we got in NZ was former Prime Minister Sir Robert Muldoon (1921-92). He was a Member of Parliament 1960-91, and PM 1975-84. 

In later years he did a bit of acting. He appeared as the Narrator in a stage production of The Rocky Horror Show, then became the host of the Friday Frights in 1989. 

This was a weekly show in which he introduced old horror movies - dressed as a vampire called Count Robula. Remember that in 1989 he was still a sitting MP. I barely remember this show, as I seldom watched horror movies in those days, and it was on rather late. 

Rob Muldoon, as he was commonly known, in vampire make-up was not a pretty sight. America had Elvira, and NZ had Count Robula. 

It just was not fair. Personally, I think Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story (especially the film version) is a dead-ringer for Sir Rob, even if no one else agrees.

Paul Adams
New Zealand


  1. I currently get a local TV station that shows a creature feature movie every Saturday night.The host of the show is called Svengoolie.According to what I've read,this character has been around since the 1970s and the show originated in Chicago.In this day and age,where people have streaming t.v. and select programs whenever they want,I enjoy sitting down to Sven's prime time broadcast.Hes a cool dude decked out in a cape and zombie like makeup.He tells alot of trivia about whatever film is featured,and does alot of delightfully corny skits before commercial breaks.He also sings some absurd songs making satire of the feature film.At some point in each episode,after uttering a cringe- worthy joke, he gets pelted with rubber chickens,and takes refuge in his customized coffin.This show has been a great companion to me during this long Covid Lockdown.Its nice to make some popcorn and forget life's troubles for a couple hours.

    1. Svengoolie sounds ace Brian and a real Chicago institution. I've just read the wiki entry for it What amazing longevity. Its hard to believe that the current presenter Rich Koz has been doing it since 1979! There's certainly nothing like this in the UK I don't think.

  2. There was a host on a Philadelphia station when I was a kid called Doctor Shock.He had a similar show,but he died a long time ago.I sometimes wonder if one may have influenced the other.The rubber chicken was used quite a bit by both hosts.Coincedence?
