Monday 7 December 2020


 I saw this on Ebay last month so I kept a couple of shots.

I loved Zodiac toys as a kid especially at Christmas! But this one I don't remember. It's a cracker.

Described as the Zodiac Toys astronaut, its that blue suit that stands out!

Is this a toy you recall readers?

Did you get any Zodiac toys for Christmas?


  1. That is TommyGun in the wrong color space suit that would have been silver. Maybe the suit is from a Pilot figure. The Helmet and Belt are there copies of Captain Actions Flash Gordon outfit parts. Please stop with all the How Wheels car and Food memories and get back to real Space Toys no More Filler Junk Please

    1. Thanks for the Zodiac info. Sorry if you are disappointed with Moonbase Central. After over 12 years of blogging and in particular as its MY blog I will I'm afraid write about whatever 'filler junk' I like. If you don't like non-space articles then please don't read them. Plenty of space toys feature and will feature but not every day.

  2. After over a decade blogging on a daily basis, its bloody hard to come up with original posts several times a day. Besides which, its Woodsys blog, so you post what ever the hell you want mate!

  3. Paul, I saw this posting earlier this morning and to be honest, I thought I was seeing things. As a broadcaster with over 40 years professional experience I recognise a Troll, "Anonymous" is a Troll, who doesn't have the balls to sign a proper name! Any journalist will welcome constructive criticism and you guys are extremely talented writers and journalists.

    Disingenuous and vexatious criticism is not welcome, whether it is a radio station or a written piece like yours. As the "Editor-In-Charge" of Celtica Radio, this is how I deal with people with a hidden agenda, I press the delete button, and if they don't like it, I'll delete their complaint too!

    We must be doing something right, as we've been going for 20 years now.

    You guys have my fullest support!

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/07/2020 5:36 pm

    Moonbase Central is fun because it covers everything that we remember from our childhood, and all the toys we have never even heard of. I like the wide variety - even the flying Christmas tree. It is Woodsy's Blog, and it is up to him what subjects he wants to cover. This is a hobby, and it is meant to be fun, just enjoy the parts you like and ignore the rest.

  5. I quite agree. Now when are we seeing the article about the Hot Wheels Van's that deliver 1960's meals?

  6. Have I missed a post about 'How Wheels'? Anyway, I happen to thoroughly enjoy reading the rich variety of diverse and nostalgic pieces which link us together. It's the stuff you produce for us that makes Moonbase such a unique and enjoyable place to hang out. Long may you keep bloggin' and keep up the magical mix of topics guys. Now... what's all this about 'How Wheels', Woodsy :)

  7. Timmy Loves Moonbase Toad12/07/2020 9:38 pm

    Well thats the first blogtroll I've seen. Dear oh dear. Variety is what makes life interesting. As a relative newcomer here, I can happily say that I enjoy the wide range of topics and conversations on here, so much so that I have become a Moonbase addict, needing my fix at least twice a day....

  8. Thanks for all the thumbs up guys. It means a lot. I write what I write and when I can write about space toys I will slot it in. Its just not as often now. I suppose the blog is a bit more nostalgia oriented than it was when it started in 2008. I hope its broad mix offers something for most readers most of the time.

  9. As a provider of filler junk that is so off topic I can contest that Woodsy shows great restraint on his blog and provides a great many subjects that are all on topic!! You never got to see my Captain Scarlet how to Cosplay or 35 shades of yellow or my follow up piece 42 shades of Lime, nor did we see applications for car under-seal spray paint for cosplay (this was a genuine post)- MJ Southcoast base

  10. Couldn't agree more with everyone but our anonymous chum - keep doing that thing you do, Mr Woods! It's all fascinating stuff, no matter what the subject. The diversity of your blog is one of its strengths and I really enjoy all the personal recollections and reminiscences.

  11. Can I just point out that THIS 'Anonymous' is not me.
    I know I come up as 'Anonymous', but that's because I
    I don't know how to make my heading 'Mish', so I always sign off as such.
    Er ... Mish.

    PS There are occasionally things on the blog that are not really of interest to me, but it's YOUR Blog Woodsy, not mine, so keep doing YOUR stuff !

  12. Personally, I quite like the personal nostalgia posts as they're similar to what I do on my own blog. And, as for others that don't interest me, I tend not to read them. However, I really do think 'troll' is a silly word for describing someone who expresses an opinion that we might not agree with. Sure, he's expressed himself clumsily, and maybe even indelicately, but he might be disadvantaged in some way, perhaps even on the autistic spectrum. I think it's good to publish the brickbats along with the praise, to be honest (as you did, Woodsy). If I only published the opinions of people who agreed with me and liked every post, I fear my readers (all four of them) would soon get bored. Disagree with the guy by all means, but there's no need to ascribe malicious motives to him on the strength of one slightly critical comment. I've been called a troll by others for writing on my own blog, and even politely commenting on others - simply because I held a different opinion on something. That's not trolling, that's simply expressing another point of view that some people disagree with.

    1. Fair comment Kid. I'm aware that my blog is changing a little and its earlier 'space toys' remit is diluting and this may cause upset for ardent space toy fans who have followed the blog a long time. This is an example of that.

  13. Been reading you for years Woodsy. Don't mind him. When I first found your post I went backwards and read all the old posts. If there's something I'm not interested in (and that hasn't happened very often!) I skip it and move to the next entry. Keep it up.
    Henderson NV
