Friday, 4 September 2020


Here are a few of the action figures I've found at local car boot sales in August. Being on furlough I was able to go to two boot sales a week and it's been great fun.

Scorpio, Callisto and Matt were a real rubbery bargain. Just need to test the bulb in Scorpio's head. They were filthy when I got them but have cleaned up really well. 

Here in this bundle of fun we have a couple of Matchbox monster Howlers, a purple Yolanda Skeleton soldier, an Action Force frogman and more.

The figures I cannot ID are the yellow and black one far left, the black Ninja-style rider next to him, the pink big-eared figure far right bottom and the blue rubbery muscly guy next to him. 

Any ideas gratefully received readers!

Here are those mystery figures. Any clues?

Missing from this lot are some boxed Gormiti toy sets I picked up in Stokely, all new to me!

I hope to squeeze one more car boot sale in before I have to go back to work face-mask and all.


  1. Wow!
    Those Matt Mason figures are a REAL find Woodsy.
    Most car boots I've been to are just full of tat, and not even OLD tat, just worthless recent junk!

    1. Thanks Mish. I wuz gobsmacked when I saw them lying all forlorn on a mat.

  2. Is the fella in the leather a Madelman knock off? Also at the front that's Velma from the new Scoob movie and to the right a weeping angel from one of the Dr Who construction brick sets- MJ Southcoast base

    1. Hes a Lion Rock figure MJ. The Mego brand in Europe. Could be Combat Man or Battle Brigade. Ta for the other suggestions. Any idea who the yellow and black guy is?

    2. Something to do with the Wachowski's speed racer???-MJ

    3. The yellow and black "guy" is actually female. That is the battle suit version of Go Go Tomago from the Big Hero 6 movie. She's missing the clip on mag-lev discs

    4. Thanks Lance! I had a feeling you might know! I would never have got that although I was thinking Japanese in some way. Thanks again. A film I've never seen.
