Friday, 4 September 2020


There was a clip on TV today about a collector's pile of yachting magazines crashing through a ceiling from an attic.

This did worry me as I do have a lot of old film magazines in our attic, although fortunately I had the joists strengthened when we moved in as my office was up there back then.

Have you piles of magazines stacked up? Where do you keep them?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/04/2020 12:06 pm

    The cartons that packets of A4 photocopy or printer paper come in make ideal storage boxes for magazines, most of which are now A4 size. Just a word of warning about the shelves found in cheap shelving units, cupboards, and book cases. The actual shelf often rests on just four small plastic pins that fit into the vertical ends of the unit. I once had some of these shear off under the weight of books, and the laden shelf collapsed on to the shelf below. Books survived, but models or toys would not, and die-casts can be heavy. Go to a hardware store, and buy stronger metal pins to replace the plastic pins. The slight extra expense is worth it to protect your models and toys.

    1. Yep, cheap shelves are a pain Paul. A nightmare for plastic toy collectors should they collapse like you say. Comics collectors will tell you about acid-free boxes and Mylar bags for comics collections too and its something I'm considering for my Creepy and Eerie comics collections, which have been in the attic already for 15 years. Paper is so heavy and the boxes of movie magazines I have really do weigh a lot. One day I shall sell the lot and the house will probably rise up by a foot!
