Thursday, 24 September 2020


Well, Moonbase has become a leaky ship this week.

The washing machine packed up. We have a burst pipe below the bath and a dripping radiator, leading to a dodgy boiler.

Super Mario is coming round tomorrow to assess the leaks and tell is what the damage is!

In a further twist, I only this week found out that in the Southern hemisphere water flows down the plug-hole in the opposite way to us here in the North. How weird is that!

I hope Super Mario knows which way it flows on a Moonbase.

Do you?


  1. The hemisphere thing is an urban myth Woodsy . . . and a trick Kenyan shysters do with buckets for tourists at the equator (like two stpes would make any difference, let alone a total reversal)! The planet only spins one way and most baths and sinks etc drain the same way (clockwise?) but design, pipework or residual currents in the body of water can make some drain the other way . . . sorry! Good luck with the plumbing - H

    1. Really! An urban legend Hugh? It sounded so plausible!

  2. As soon as you involve the equator it all sounds very plausible!


    1. ha ha. Next you'll be telling me that all liquids in the world aren't heading for the sea Hugh!

  3. Just confirming that down here south of the equator in the land of Oz the water goes clockwise down the plug hole (just tested in the bathroom basin).

    Which way does it go in the north?

    Cheers - Tony P
