Wednesday, 3 June 2020


Hi Woodsy

I saw the nice rocket pencil sharpener. I did not have one of these, but in the last few years I have picked up a few metal sharpeners in an 'antique bronze' finish. Most of these come either from Spain or Hong Kong. 

Here are my only two SF or space related examples. The first is a strange space craft with folding wings; the other is a Space Shuttle - this has the opening for the sharpener at the rear, where the engines should be. Afraid this example is missing its nose-wheels.

There are also aircraft, cars, artillery pieces, buildings, household items, and various machines. A nice little collectable, and not at all expensive. Most of mine are loose, but some come on cards, or in boxes.

Paul Adams
New Zealand


  1. I used to have the first one, its based on a japanese anime like Space Battleship Yamato, but im not sure which one

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand6/04/2020 6:26 am

    Thank you, I had no idea it was based on something - I just thought it was some strange SF craft.

  3. Its Captain Harlock -

  4. Yep, it is the SD (super deformed) version of the Space Pirate Battleship Arcadia from the series Space Pirate Captain Harlock. It is based off the design of one of the first metal toys of the ship

    The Arcadia's 2 turrets are 3 barrels each while the SD toy made them into 2 barrels due to less space thanks to the tightness of the design and that one you found has a single barrel turret, Woodsy.

  5. Thanks Wote and Lance. The Arcadia eh. It seems a strange and complex choice for a die-cast pencil sharpener. It can't have been that well known unlike the space shuttle.

  6. Paul Adams from New Zealand6/04/2020 7:35 pm

    Thank you for all the extra information on this strange pencil sharpener. The two gun turrets at the front both have two barrels, although this may be a little hard to see in the photos. The second turret, just ahead of the radar scanner, has guns with a very limited degree of elevation. The wings also fold upwards. This sharpener has MADE IN CHINA on the underside; most of the others I have are from Hong Kong or Spain.
