Monday, 27 April 2020


I've been looking for the actual online examples of the toy soldiers in the Tai Hing Toys advert I featured a while back. 

Whilst re-watching the recently blogged Cape Kennedy boxes video I posted I noticed a crawling toy soldier towards the end of the Reuters clip. The notes describe it as a People Liberation Army soldier with an AK-47.

Could it be the prone blue soldier firing a rifle [or the green one] in the Tai Hing advert above?

The name I can see on the box is Machine Gun Drill. I can't make out any more of the text or see a maker's mark.

Can you help here? Can you see more text?

The crawling soldier film section starts at 1.39 on the time bar.


  1. When is the Pathe from Woodsy? I would imagine the video has the old Tin-plate one (I'll send you a picture), while the plastic ones run to dozens of tools and can still be bought, I think Izzy's up in town have them at the moment. Tai Hing's are likely plastic ones?


    1. yeah, I agree Hugh. Probably plastic. No idea how big the Tai hing soldeiers would be. Could be big. Could be Airfix style.

  2. Sorry - '71, OK probably plastic!


    1. I did Hugh. Thanks a bunch. I shall blog it asap. I'm just slack!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/27/2020 7:52 pm

    The figure in the film clip is not the same as the one in the illustration. The one is the clip is wearing a steel helmet, and firing an AK-47 assault rifle. The figure in the illustration is wearing a soft cap, a blue uniform and firing what might be a sub-machine gun or even a shotgun. I think he looks more like a policeman than a soldier given the uniforms, the van, and city scene. Blue is a common police colour.

    1. Lots to think about there Paul. Yes I see what you mean about blue police colours. There is a green soldier in the Tai hing advert as well. What do you think of that one and the soldier in the clip? It would help if we knew how big the Tai hing soldiers were I reckon.

  4. This is not my area, but here goes. The soldier in the clip looks as though he is of mixed metal and plastic construction (the body is very glossy, while the face and boots are dull, suggesting painted metal and moulded plastic), and runs on wheels. The Tai Hing advertising lists three numbers next to the Police ? and Army figures, suggesting three different figures, even though the illustrations show four in each picture. The soldiers might be Americans, or local troops - Army uniforms are not my usual subject. Knowing the size would certainly help.

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/28/2020 6:49 am

    Sorry, left off my name again. The above comments are mine.

    1. Very interesting Paul. Yes, there are 3 numbers next to each Tai Hing picture. Presumably there are 3 different figures to collect. Thanks for your insights. It would be great to find a Tai Hing toy soldier online!
