Wednesday, 1 April 2020


Hi Woodsy,

Hope you are holding up OK.

In case other people share my enthusiasm for old box art, I am attaching what I think are some of the strangest and most interesting space toys.

Andy B.


  1. These are amazing! Just my kind of space toy, and just my kind of box art! Impossible designs, fancifully colored - now that is Retro Space! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Superb box art Andy I agree. I bought the middle Magic toy in Greece in the 90's from an old toy shop on Crete. In fact I bought tons there and wish I'd have taken an empty suitcase! It was one of the first toys I ever sold on Ebay in 2000 when it started in the UK. Wish I still had it now looking at the box!

  3. classic packaging Andy - back then the boxes were almost as exciting as the actual toy! Sometimes even more so. Nowdays, packaging is so complex, it takes an hour to get to the item and by that time, the box is shredded!
