Monday, 20 April 2020


The Spectrum Angel Aircraft A.K.A. Angel Interceptor, the third of the Captain Scarlet vehicles produced by Century 21 Toys.

Despite the fact that it’s a toy, it still has a fairly screen accurate shape, and just like the C21 Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle and Patrol Car, it’s a good size, around 111/2”. I‘d estimate its scale, based on the size of the pilot to be around 1:36.

One thing that always annoyed me as a kid was the conspicuous friction drive motor that makers insisted on incorporating into the design of most toy air and space craft.

The Angel Aircraft toy has one too, but this one is completely removable, so as not to spoil its sleek lines.

It still has small free-running metal wheels under each of its wing tip landing skids, and a removable front one. Once removed however, this does leave a small supporting stub, presumably there to avoid breakage to the removable nose cone.

Just like in the series the Angel pilot slots into the aircraft from below, and rather than Century 21 toys just using a generic pilot, this little blob of plastic is actually recognisable as female.

There’s a small amount of detail on the tiny instrument panel too.

The toy fires spring loaded missiles from the top of the nose cone. Mine came with two, although it may well have originally come with more.

The original box, a little the worst for wear, but not bad considering it’s been around since 1967.

The Angel Aircraft is a fragile toy, and most of the removable features will obviously be prone to get lost over the years. It does come with a spare front wheel skid. 

While they’re by no means common, there appears to be more around than the C21 Patrol Car or Pursuit Vehicle.

So that’s the three Century 21 Captain Scarlet toy vehicles covered . I’m going to take a break now and enjoy an Orbit ice lolly outside, and read my 1967 Captain Scarlet annual.

Links to my previous Captain Scarlet Vehicles by Century 21 toys:


  1. Super Coudbase diorama, Scoop. Really sets the scene!

    1. Thanks Tony. Yes,simple and effective.

  2. Really enjoying this series! All the toys my parents couldn't afford at the time, and I can't afford now :)

    1. Thanks Portland. Yes, being plastic and easily breakable, those that have survived over the years command high prices nowadays. As a youngster like you, most of these were too expensive for my parents too. Too be honest, thinking back apart from a couple of shops I don't remember seeing many on sale at the time in my neck of woods.
      I've owned mine for quite a few years now, and didn't pay silly money for any of them. These days most sensible collectors don't bother as some prices are just plain unrealistic.:D

  3. Excellent, thanks! I was another kid who was always annoyed with the added wheels on toys. It alwsys ruined the lines of the vehicle for me. Japanese SF model kits even had then up to the early 80s. Being able to remove this friction drive was great. I also remember there was a comic strip in one of the Captain Scarlet or TV21 annuals where an Angel had its nose probe removed and replaced with a laser dish type of weapon. I could remove the nose from the C21 Angel and pretend it was that version too. Happy memories!

    1. Thanks Yorkie. Yes, I remember that TV21 strip. TV21 was so important to us fans at the time as they kept the series fresh in our minds when it wasn't on TV. :)
